368: What I Learned After My First Two Talks
To keep you informed, this will be the last session before I take a summer break. Along with taking time for much-anticipated rest, I’ll be busy with my family and many STC-related projects! STC will still be here, though, as we run replays of our best episodes for you during this time. I look forward to returning in a few weeks with another great season of podcast sessions for you!
As I prepare to see clients very soon in my return to private practice, I’ve been given unique opportunities to do two talks related to mental health for folks near my childhood home of Dallas, Texas. Through a childhood friend, I became connected to a nonprofit there and was asked to share my personal experience with mental health. As a high-achiever, I grew up as a South Asian kid in the US, struggling with anxiety and depression. It was REAL and led me to see a psychologist, prompting my love for psychology and changing the course of my life. I shared my story with parents of high-achieving kids through this nonprofit and led a Q & A session with them; it was truly one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I was subsequently asked to do a second talk with another organization on a similar topic, focusing on risk factors for kids/teens growing up in hyper-competitive public and private schools. These kids are in what I call “the gilded pressure cooker,” feeling enormous pressure to achieve almost impossible feats. In today’s session, I want to share the three biggest lessons I’ve learned as a result of these unexpected opportunities to talk about the intersection of my experiences, passions, and callings.
You’ll Learn:
- My three biggest takeaways after doing these talks:
- Leaning into social media platforms, podcasting, and teaching workshops has helped me refine my speaking skills and learn to enjoy public speaking. (I’ve learned to silence my ever-present inner critic!)
- Doing talks like these takes a LOT of work and planning. (These were pro bono talks, but I will charge a fee in the future because of the multiple hours required. I don’t want to focus on revenue but on reach)
- For every talk I do in the future, I will capture the email addresses of the audience members to expand my community. (Adding people to your email list takes them from a “rented” audience on social media to an “owned” audience.)
- My thoughts and plans for the future in creating community, products, and services for this niche of families of high-achievers
- This is a new area for me, but I would love to connect with more groups and organizations around this topic of high-achieving kids and their parents. If you have a contact for me, please email me!
Mentioned in this session: Sign up for the newsletter for high-achievers!
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Mentioned in this episode:
Try Psych Careers!
Swell AI Transcript: 368: What I Learned After My First Two Talks
Melvin :
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Melvin : Hey there, it's Melvin. I hope that you enjoyed today's podcast session. Just wanted to take a moment again to thank the team over at the American Psychological Association for supporting today's podcast session. If you're a psychology professional that is looking for your next job in psychology, definitely check out PsyCareers, the American Psychological Association services, career centers. CyCareers now has over 400 job postings posted specifically for psychology professionals. You can connect with leading employers and explore roles that match your skills and your professional and personal goals. You can check all of that out over at sellingthecouch.com forward slash APA, sellingthecouch.com forward slash APA. Create a free account and get started.