
9: Balancing Life and Private Practice

My guest today is Mari Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S.  Mari has an amazing story of being in foster care as a child to building a very successful private practice where she focuses on helps individuals who struggle with sex addiction.  In this episode, you’ll learn: Mari's favorite quotes that can be valuable as you take the leap into private practice, practical tips to balance work and life so you don't burn out in private practice, tools to help you create a vision for your private practice, and ways to create an online store for products for clients and colleagues. 

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Selling the Couch
Selling the Couch
Impact And Income Beyond The Therapy Room

About your host

Profile picture for Melvin Varghese, PhD

Melvin Varghese, PhD

Hi. I'm Melvin. I'm a psychologist, girl dad, and online creator living in Philadelphia, PA.

In 2014, I began to think about how to use our therapist skillset in different realms besides clinical work (e.g., podcasting, consulting, online course creation, writing, etc).

This allows us to serve others on larger scales while diversifying our income beyond 1 to 1 work.

I make podcasts and videos about business, tech, productivity, and lessons I'm learning from becoming the CEO of a lean, mean 5 person 100% remote team (we're not really mean..it just rhymed =P).