
384: Should I Hire An Intake Coordinator For My Private Practice?

Today’s session highlights important questions to ask for solo or group practices about hiring an intake coordinator. Is this a smart move for your practice? Let’s dive into this topic and discuss barometers by which to measure and consider if an intake coordinator makes sense for your practice right now.

Our Featured Guest

Uriah Guilford

Uriah Guilford is a group practice owner based in northern California. He also owns Productive Therapist, which provides virtual assistants and intake coordinators for therapy practices. Uriah has been a group practice owner since 2015 and has a lot of wisdom to share about the journey to hire and train an intake coordinator. We cover all the bases on this topic, including if hiring an intake coordinator makes sense for your practice and the most common responsibilities of an intake coordinator that can help you reclaim valuable hours in your day. We also cover data privacy, how an intake coordinator should handle this, and the top mistakes clinicians make in hiring for this role. We wrap up with the metrics in determining when an intake coordinator is a great fit for your practice. 

Productive Therapist

You’ll Learn:

  • The purpose and role of an intake coordinator
  • Trends in intake processes—what works best?
  • Too many options confuse and overwhelm people looking for therapy.
  • Is it time for me to hire an intake coordinator? How do I know? (Take Uriah’s quiz to find out!)
  • How an intake coordinator can help you grow your practice
  • Uriah’s opinion on the importance of an intake coordinator: “Your Intake Coordinator is the MVP of your practice.”
  • Understanding when to delegate to your intake coordinator
  • Uriah’s journey of letting go and transitioning responsibilities to his intake coordinator
  • Top responsibilities of an intake coordinator
  • Considerations about data privacy for your practice and your intake coordinator
  • Solutions when your intake coordinator is sick or away on vacation
  • Uriah’s advice on hiring (and retaining) intake coordinators for growing practices
  • Top mistakes therapists make in hiring an intake coordinator
  • Important considerations in training an intake coordinator
  • Solid metrics to determine if an intake coordinator is right for you
  • Uriah’s course, The Intake Coordinator Starter Pack: Find the course here and use the discount code “STC” for 25% off!


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About the Podcast

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Selling the Couch
Impact And Income Beyond The Therapy Room

About your host

Profile picture for Melvin Varghese, PhD

Melvin Varghese, PhD

Hi. I'm Melvin. I'm a psychologist, girl dad, and online creator living in Philadelphia, PA.

In 2014, I began to think about how to use our therapist skillset in different realms besides clinical work (e.g., podcasting, consulting, online course creation, writing, etc).

This allows us to serve others on larger scales while diversifying our income beyond 1 to 1 work.

I make podcasts and videos about business, tech, productivity, and lessons I'm learning from becoming the CEO of a lean, mean 5 person 100% remote team (we're not really mean..it just rhymed =P).