
344: Should I Stop An Existing Podcast To Start A New One?

It’s not unusual for a podcaster to rebrand and head in a new direction after podcasting for a while. The big questions in this transition are around the logistics of the rebranding process. Today’s session is a coaching call with a member of our Healthcasters Podcasting Course who is unsure about the best way to handle this big transition. Join us as we talk it out and figure out her best next steps!

Our Featured Guest for Today’s Coaching Call:

Marie Vakakis, MA, AMHSW

Marie Vakakis is the founder of The Therapy Hub, and she’s a group practice owner who lives in Australia. She has been doing her podcast, Inside Social Work, for about five years, but she’s decided to rebrand to reach a bigger audience. We will discuss whether she should start a whole new podcast since she has chosen to go in a different direction. We’ll also talk about monetization strategies around podcasting and lining up specific episodes with paid endeavors, such as speaking engagements and online courses. I think you’ll enjoy this look at the entrepreneurial journey, content creation, and podcasting.

You’ll Learn:

  • How Marie became a podcaster and learned to be courageous and vulnerable
  • Why Marie wants to change and rebrand with a different podcast name and target the general public instead of early-career social workers
  • Why Marie needs to pinpoint her new vision and assess the long-term sustainability
  • The two tiers to Marie’s new goal: intentionally grow her practice and intentionally grow her transition to public speaker, educator, and course creator
  • Melvin’s suggestions for creative ways Marie can grow her practice around content creation
  • Melvin’s advice for Marie about introducing her new mission
  • How Marie can model for her clients why it is important to embrace change in the rebranding process
  • How Marie can coordinate podcast content with courses, public speaking, and coaching calls in ways that plug her individual products and services and help her stand out with her established expertise
  • What Marie sees as her next important big step


Marie's Website

Want to launch your online course?

Please check out our free 7-Day Course Creator Starter Kit For Therapists: https://sellingthecouch.com/coursekit

Looking to launch a successful podcast?

Please check out our free "Using Podcasting To Grow Your Business" workshop for therapists:


Mentioned in this episode:

Check Out PsycCareers!

If you’re a psychology professional who is ready to take the next step in their career, check out PsycCareers, the American Psychological Association Services, Inc’s career center. PsycCareers is home to over 400 open positions tailored specifically for psychology professionals. Start your journey today by exploring opportunities that inspire and challenge you at sellingthecouch.com/apa.

About the Podcast

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Selling the Couch
Impact And Income Beyond The Therapy Room

About your host

Profile picture for Melvin Varghese, PhD

Melvin Varghese, PhD

Hi. I'm Melvin. I'm a psychologist, girl dad, and online creator living in Philadelphia, PA.

In 2014, I began to think about how to use our therapist skillset in different realms besides clinical work (e.g., podcasting, consulting, online course creation, writing, etc).

This allows us to serve others on larger scales while diversifying our income beyond 1 to 1 work.

I make podcasts and videos about business, tech, productivity, and lessons I'm learning from becoming the CEO of a lean, mean 5 person 100% remote team (we're not really mean..it just rhymed =P).